Zeta Software

Zeta HRMS from Zeta Softwares is the leading HR software, with best–in–class service and support, creating the ultimate HRMS user experience. Our next–generation HRMS oers unmatched breadth and depth of functionality to manage your workforce from applicant to retiree. The most mprehensive feature that can be found in ZETA HRMS is the core functionality.
HR Management

The Employee pro le in Zeta HRMS is not just another tatic collection of data. The system records basic demographic and address data, selection, training and development, capabilities and skills management, ompensation planning records and other related activities. HR module has exible,con gurable pro les that capture any data that’s important to your business — not just standard, precon gured elds. By adding the capability of adding customs elds Zeta Hr has rede ned the management of employee information.
Benet Management

Zeta HRMS enables you to administer bene t plans and achieve your plan participation goals. With Zeta HRMS, you have instant access to accurate enrollment information. Self Service features save you time and empower employees to always see what the bene ts coverage they have been allocated and can see into the details.
Loan Management

This module enables you to de ne and manage employee loan olicies and their entitlement based on di erent parameters. Employees can request loans, which are then reviewed, approved, and converted to loan agreement which include terms of payment and the life of the loan. Loan payments are processed automatically through the ayroll at the end of each pay period. Advances can also be managed similarly.
Leave Management

Zeta HRMS Leave Management module has a comprehensive and exible leave management system to enabling manage leave requests according as per rules. This module is integrated with Payroll and ESS that allows to: Enter and cancel requests, view outstanding leave requests, view leaves balance, including current availed leaves and look-forward.
Time & Attendence

Zeta HRMS can help you streamline your absence tracking with Time-omanagement and potentially uncover cost savings for your organization. Using an integrated HRIS, identify reasons for unscheduled employee absences, reduce data entry time by pushing the responsibility for time reporting to the employee, and manage all areas of absence tracking and reporting. Unlimited number of absence plans with accrual rules. Flexible work schedule de nition and assignment by shift with unlimited
number of schedules and future planning of work schedules by employee are helpful features.
Payroll Management

Zeta HRMS has a comprehensive payroll management that has seamless integration to Employee Attendence and Leave Tracking. Extensive and exible payroll policy de nitions including earning policies, allowances policies, bene ts policies, bonuses policies, commissions policies, deduction policies are available in the system.
Employee Docs

Employee Docs module facilitates the capture, storage and retrieval of Employee related documents. This dicult manual work is made eortless and less time consuming with Employee Docs module. Unlimited number of documents per Employee can be attached and stored. The Index and Search functions allow to search and retrieve appropriate documents using keywords. This is a further step towards a paperless o ce and cuts down on physical storage space while allowing the document to be retrieved easily and quickly in just a few clicks. It supports multiple le formats and allows reprinting of the source document.
Asset Management

This module keeps all Assets under control and helps in allocating the Assets to employees, with close tracking. Assets loss and misplacement can be minimized e ectively. Common employee assets thus allocated are Mobiles, Laptops, Keys, Vehicles and other work related equipments and tools.
Project Management

With Zeta con gurable Employee Costs are attached to all project related activity to ensure true and complete cost analysis. Greater control, more accurate costing and greater competitiveness are possible within a system that was designed to exactly the way you do. Time and expenses towards projects, clients or any entity your business are closely monitored which can be integrated with Project management and Accounting. Time entry is easy with the extremely user friendly interface and can be done from anywhere with over an Internet connection. Employees can be assigned to projects who in turn can see in real-time the estimates as well as the actuals. These functionalities help to bring in reliable and consistent project lanning, launching and delivery. It also helps in better resource utilisations.
ESS Management

Human Resource professionals are constantly challenged to improve e ciency and manage costs while meeting higher employee expectations for quality and suitable service. Zeta HRMS Employee Self-Service is helps organizations respond to this demand.
Using Employee Zeta HRMS Self-Service, employees can review and act upon their personal HR data all from a single point of areas. This empowerment helps streamline many daily HR activities and reduce the administrative demands on the HR department, equipping stato better serve employees with less drain on resources and with a greater focus on strategic activities that bring value to the organization.
Peformance Appraisal

A truly powerful Performance Management process requires that
employees, managers and HR professionals be connected for real time collaboration and communication. Successful organizations align their employees performance objectives with organizational goals. The Zeta HRMS Performance Management Module helps you create meaningful performance reviews for your employees. The entire process is completely paperless allowing for HR, Managers and Employees to track progress against goals and monitor the review cycle. Additionally, it helps HR professionals to be
Training Management

Zeta o ers a powerful Training Management system that eectively monitors individualized attention to people development thereby impacting their work. A training program can consist of many training topics and these programs can then be set at the company, department or designation levels.
Zeta HRMS helps to create Training Schedules, assign Employees and Departments to training, get the feedback of the training conducted and track the details of training.

Recruitment aims at sourcing and maintaining adequate supply of manpower based on the needs of the organization. It is the one of the critical function of any Personnel department. This means the discovery of sources of manpower and tapping of the same so that the potential employees are properly evaluated to ll up the vacant position in the organization.
In HR, one of the most di cult and time consuming tasks involves short-listing of potential candidates for a particular job post. Zeta HRMS simplies this task by short-listing thousands of candidates in just a few seconds, a task that may take months, if done manually.